About FreeSchema

The Semantic Concept Connection System

The Semantic Concept Connection System secures data on any device with an intelligent and adaptable data fabric composed to ensure user level data consolidation, access, security, and sovereignty.

FreeSchema is the secure semantic concept connection system schema emulates natural thought and etymology with the determinative hardware and software language independent integration of the semantic naming system, data model, formula, ontological taxonomy system, operating system and language to create, compose, combine and classify functions, rules, structures, semantics, grammar, deixis and pragmatics of languages.

The natural extensible data structure allows for enterprise wide record level conceptualization of user, security, access and session information. Users create, update, characterize and categorize all types of concepts and their ordered or unordered connections to reference, locate, retrieve, compose and combine data using semantic commands that create taxonomies for framing, storing, communicating, transporting and labeling data.

The artificially individuated linguistic system predicated on American English uses deictic determinative distinctions between the articles "a", "an" and "the" to create structures, security, intercommunication ontologies, provide hypernymic intelligence, order, visibility, direction, syntax, punctuation, formatting and congruence for data values.

Our Mission

Our mission at, Inc. is to use our patent pending Semantic Concept Connection System and English language data fabric to create (support) happy programmers who can provide users with flexible tools, intuitive control, premium security, and sovereignty over their data.

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